Saturday, 12 June 2010

Bloggiesta Update

My Bloggiesta is going ok, I perhaps haven't got as much done as I originally planned, but that's only because I keep getting sidetracked by other things that need doing! Here's what I've got done so far:

Write reviews. - I've only managed to type up two so far, but hey that's more than I had yesterday so I'm happy :)

Write some book-related posts to be scheduled for the future. - Haven't written any yet, but have brainstormed some ideas.

Put out invitations for guest posts/interviews. - I've had one response back and will be posting this up later in the week.

Clean up tags. - Haven't even looked at them yet!

Make sure read list and reviewed list are up to date. - Done and done.

Clean up sidebars, add a favicon, some other random layout adjustments. - Tidied up the sidebar slightly, still need to figure out how to do favicon.

Clean up and update challenge lists. - Done.

Clean out and organize feed reader and blog subscriptions. - Spent ages on this, and completed it last night.

Change post settings to stop it automatically putting in line breaks. - This was something that cropped up as I was working on something else. Was a really easy fix and is done now.


Write Your Blogging To-Do List - Have only had a quick look at this and have got a few ideas to explore.

Embracing Community - Have commented on about 5 new (to me) blogs, aiming to comment on about 5 more.

Write an Opinion Post or a List Post - Have got a few ideas, but nothing concrete yet.


  1. Hi Kat! :-) I just stumbled upon your blog from Bloggiesta and became your 50th follower! :-D I really like your layout, so nice and pretty.

    Seems you did very well, you were quite productive!

    You can visit my blog Ex Libris here.

    Good luck for tomorrow and have a lovely Sunday! :-)

  2. Hi Kat - you have a lovely blog. Good luck with the rest of your list.

    I signed up for your interviews - first time I've been brave enough to do that!

  3. good luck with the rest of your list, its surprisingly hard work!
